Viskozite, akışa ya da biçim değişikliğine karşı koymama özelliği demek olan akışkanlığın tersidir.
La viscosité est l’opposé de la fluidité, qui est la propriété de ne pas résister à l’écoulement ou à la déformation.
Viskozite, akışa ya da biçim değişikliğine karşı koymama özelliği demek olan akışkanlığın tersidir.
La viscosité est l’opposé de la fluidité, qui est la propriété de ne pas résister à l’écoulement ou à la déformation.
Tila Kompozit is producing self-developed formulations of unsaturated polyester resins, vinylester resins and gelcoats. As an international company that changes the market with innovative products, Tila supplies all the raw materials that are the basic needs of the composite production sector with international partners and solutions that create a difference. With more than 20 years of experience Tila also fills an important gap in the composite industry with the training and consultancy services.
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